A rare bird from Russia

Created by Jenny 4 years ago

one of our many lovely memories of Lovely friend Jeff, was a trip to the Lindisfarne island.

We (the girls) had wondered off , and spotted a crowd all looking at a hedge, so we asked what was going on  they said they were waiting for this rare warbler.

we wandered on and spotted the boys looking over the churchyard wall , (with their binoculars) , and all of ussaw this bird in the tree not far from us! 

we all laughed a lot as the “twitchers “ were facing the wrong way and we had seen this rare bird and they    had not!!

this was just one of many bird experiences we had altogether, there was the bird of prey experiance where even Jackie  held a bird!

another was a snowey day we were at the golf club and a bush was covered in birds. no one could identify them.  so James phoned Jeff  who went to his bird book and between them identified the birds as “red starts and fieldfares” 


unfortunately we are in lockdown in Spain and don’t have the photos with us .

Lots of love you are already missed Jenny & James xx